Effectively marketing your website is generally considered the most important part of developing a website. Even if your company has the greatest website, your website must be marketed and promoted in order to gain new customers and clients. Implementing our search engine optimization techniques will raise your search engine rankings allowing your website to be more visible and attract new visitors and traffic each day.
Of course the easiest way to get to the top of the search engines is to pay. Paying for your website to be listed will allow your website to appear as high as the first page within minutes. People who pay for their ads are buying, what are called “sponsored listings”, within the search engines. Companies bid against each other for the certain keywords and the highest bidders website appears number one on the search engine. Words that are searched more often usually cost more money. The only time you have to pay is when someone goes to your site. This is called “Pay-Per-Click” advertising. Every time someone clicks on your link you will have to pay a certain amount. This can vary from 10 cents and click to $7.00. The average amount is around 60-80 cents per click.
Our e-commerce online store websites are built to optimize your search engine rankings. One of the main ways this is done is by using a feature called “dynamic titles”. Dynamic titles use your database to change the title of your web site to match with your products entered. Every time you add a new product, the title will change on that page. Search engines look for variations in page titles and the more it finds the better. When you have more page titles the search engines assume your site is bigger and has more content. Sites with more content, as long as it is relative to the searched keyword, are displayed above other sites.